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Subscribers get full access to The Weekly Dish as a newsletter, a website, and a podcast. Every edition goes directly to your in-tray every Friday. No ads, no sponsored content, no clickbait, no institutional pressures or woke-checking. Just you and us, and a commitment to good faith and open discourse, for just $5 a month or $50 a year — less than a buck a week!

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The basic formula for The Weekly Dish — which, as with all things Dish, will no doubt evolve — is the following: my main column; one or two shorter posts; a serious dissent section, where I can air real disagreement with my column, and engage with it constructively and civilly; a reader forum, to continue the debate and share stories; a podcast, which I’ve long wanted to do, but never found a way to fit in; transcripts; recommended reading from other Substackers; notable quotes from the news cycle; various fun features like Mental Health Break and Cool Ad Watch; and yes, window views from readers once again, and the return of The View From Your Window Contest.

Here’s an example of a full edition of The Weekly Dish. Browse all of our podcast episodes here. And example of the window contest is here. If you’re still undecided, sign up for the free version to get a sizable excerpt of every edition in your in-tray every Friday.

For me, dissents are the key reason to subscribe: to sustain honest, accountable discourse. I’m the only columnist I know of who subjects himself each week to rigorous critiques which I’m obliged to answer. The extraordinary Chris Bodenner selects and edits the best arguments and makes me answer them. (You can always email dissents to dish@andrewsullivan.com and we will read them all and try to respond.) If you believe in this kind of accountability, subscribe! And see you every Friday.

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"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle," - Orwell


Recovering blogger
Journalist and nomad, dividing my time between DC and exploring the West in my Airstream. (Instagram of my travels: @chrisbodenner) Co-founder of The Weekly Dish, after a decade on the blog. Former senior editor at The Atlantic.