Niall Ferguson's Time Machine applies historical perspective to contemporary problems in economics and politics, because the further back you look, the further ahead you can see.
Decades ago, I escaped the Islamic world and came to the West. Many don't know how good the West is, or how fragile. I fight for the restoration of what made the West great.
Building a better future starts here. In a divided world, I’ve spent my life finding solutions that bring people together. This Substack delivers insights and fresh perspectives you won’t get anywhere else, helping you make sense of today’s challenges.
The Poetry of Reality Page is hosted by world renowned evolutionary biologist and best-selling author, Professor Richard Dawkins, celebrated by intellectuals and scientists everywhere for his honest critique of religion and his push for critical thinking.
A bunch of unedited stuff about international relations, American politics, political economy, the marketplace of ideas, and popular culture written by this Drezner guy
Best Ad Critic In The World™, which is akin to being the best hockey team in Paraguay, but there it is. My hockey wrist shot is harder/more accurate than yours. Also a copywriter with 30+ years experience. I've won lots of awards. Who gives a flying puck.
Exploring the shared upheavals of our era, including technological and cultural change, the ideological revolution consuming the West, the rise of China, and the crisis of liberalism.